Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Good News!

Good news for some and bad news for others. Last Saturday we participated in a Wedding Showcase in Logan. (Didn't get to see much of my family this weekend.) At the end of the day as we were loading our merchandise, one of our competitors flagged me down to talk to me. She begged me to be honest with her and tell me if we were doing well or not. Of course, I shake my head and say "Yes". Apparently she is NOT! She went into major detail of her numbers being down. She cried on my shoulder (I cried too). I feel so bad for her. I know exactly where she is coming from. Our business has not always been successful.

Today I pulled all of the numbers from the last 4 years. We show growth every year! I went to her store and talked with her at length about what I found. Last year we sold 57% of the Brides that walked into our store. I feel really good about that number. She tried to interrogate me about every facet of the business. I gave her a few hints... but no way am I going to give her all my info. After all she is still my competitor:)

It's not just one thing that makes us successful. It's a combination of many things! My heart is full of gratitude and I appreciate everything y'all have done for our family and our business. I pray every night that this will never end. Thank You!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

First Lost Tooth!

On Thursday Night Kayliann's tooth was incredibly lose. If you look really close, the permanent tooth is coming in behind the loose tooth. YUCK! On Friday Morning she woke up and told me she wanted to eat an apple to help the tooth come out. I had to leave for work early (9am). She took her first bite when I left and when I got to work she called me to tell me... "When I was eating my apple I thought I had a seed in my mouth then I took it out and it was my tooth ... not a seed!" Ha!

On Friday night the kids spent the night at Gammies house. Gammies had to let the tooth fairy in. Hey, I wanted to be the first one to let the tooth fairy in. Oh well, I think it was fun for her. She spoils the kids. They were up until 12:30 am. It made the rest of the weekend pretty hard. They had fun anyway. So did Brant and I! We had a surprise Birthday party at Maddox for one of our friends. It was our first time to eat there. We had fun socializing. Afterward we went to the movie Taken. I would highly recommend everybody go see it. Good stuff. :)

Brant left today (Sunday) for his road trip. He is headed up to Washington. The first and the last week are always the hardest. He should be finished the first week in May. I hope it goes fast!

Friday, March 6, 2009

I just wanted to let you all know how much I love and care about all of you. It makes me so happy to read and see pictures of all of you and know how good you all are.

Things for us are really crazy right now. As you all know I am in the middle of my student teaching experience and at the same school with Mom. I eat lunch with her almost everyday and I love it. On top of this I am still working part time at the repair shop on any day that I can squeeze it in. Raker has to be in daycare for long hours and it is hard on all of us. However I now drive him to and from Parowan so that Tyson's sister Jamie can watch him. It has been great. He is well taken care of and loved, and we are so greatful for her and all she does.

Tyson is hard at work and things for him are really slowing down. We hope that more work comes rolling through the doors soon. Construction is scary right now as you all probably well know. He is doing great though.

We recently left Raker with Jamie, Mom and Dad for 5 whole days while we went to Las Vegas to NASCAR. We sure had fun although we missed our little Rakey Roo. We are a happy family and greatfull for all that we have, especially each other. We hope that you are all as happy as us. We miss you all and hope to see you soon.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Sorry It's Been So Long

Raker really has learned how to move lately. He is growing so big, so fast. He now has six teeth and has just recently learned how to walk. Here are a couple of great pictures of him and what he can do.