Gammie's bought them a new bedspread almost a month before we moved in. They were very excited to finally see it on their beds.
The blinds should be delivered this week.
We have NO furniture! So the Great Room is not that great... yet. The photos on the fireplace have not found a permanent home yet. It's not on the mantel!
We are excited to finally be moved in. I find myself taking things for granted already. I need to be more thankful for what we have instead of wanting more, more, more. Our list of furniture is super long and I want to have it all now. So I need to find happiness in what we have. I love being with my family and we have had friends over a few times already. So I am thankful for the relationships we have with our friends and family.
Thank You to all of you who helped us get moved in! Mark helped all day Friday. Getting the truck loaded, unloaded, and moving all the furniture in. Melody watched our kids and baked a cake with them. Terry and Agustin helped us unload the truck. Mom brought us our first homemade meal in two weeks on Sunday and she watched our kids ALL day on Sunday too (While we unpacked). And Brant's cousin, Brandon, showed up on Friday night and helped us finish loading up the last things at the condo. He stayed and moved all the boxes from the garage into the house, set up the t.v.'s and computer, and helped us organize the kitchen. He stayed until Sunday around noon. His help was greatly appreciated and immeasurable. I'm sure we would still be bringing boxes in if we didn't have his help. Thanks to all!
I love your house!!! and I'm glad you finally put pictures up, I've been dying to see it all finished. We'll have to come see it this summer. It's so beautiful. We love you guys:)
Wow! It looks awesome - I am so happy for you guys - and Camia, it brings a tear to my eye to see Brant cooking dinner - good job!
Hey Brant and Camia! Your home is absolutely beautiful! I was trying to find the website for your bridal shop and found your blog instead. I can't believe how big your kids are. It feels like just yesterday I was working at your bridal shop. I am so happy to see you guys doing so well. You can visit mine and Casey's blog at
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