Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Baby News!

So I had my 36 week appointment today, and I'm dialated to almost 3cm already! The doctor also said I'm 50% effaced, and the baby is at a -1 station (which basically just means that the baby had dropped)!!! Yay. I'm excited. Now granted, I could still be pregnant until my due date or later, but it's not too likely. I'm really excited for the news. Now I just hope she won't come too early; before we're ready. Oh and the doctor did a quick ultrasound today and the baby is definitely head down.

1 comment:

Petals and Promises said...

Don't get to excited! I was dilated to a 3 for the last 8 weeks with Kayliann. That's Great News! You one step closer. I hope all goes well for you.