Hi family. Just wanted to let you know what's going on with us. First of all I am missing you all a lot, but we really like Oklahoma too. The weather here is finally starting to cool off from Hurricane Gustave, so now Ady wants to play outside all the time. She is so sweet and so smart. She talks all the time, and is always surprising us with the things she says. I think the funniest thing is when she drops something and she says "oh cwap". She knows all of her colors now and asks for popsicles by color. She can also count to four with a little help, and spell her name out loud. She is so big, I can't wait for you to all see her again! She's getting excited for the new baby, but we know she'll beat her up a little too. She already hits my belly when she's mad at us, and then hurry and says "sorry Brinkley baby". She's a little stinker.
Speaking of baby, only five and a half weeks left to the due date!!!! I'm ready to have her now. It feels like she is up in my ribs a lot more than Ady was, and it hurts a lot. Plus, between the baby and picking up Ady all day long, I feel like my back is permanently broken. The good news is I finally ordered a swing and a bassinet, and I found the coolest baby store ever: Babies'r'us. They have everything a baby could ever need. All I need now is a double stroller.
Zack is doing well with school so far, but we'll let you know how he's doing after his first test. He's gone everyday from like 7 am to 6:30 pm, and that really stinks, but we're surviving. I'm still hoping to be able to come for Jason's wedding, but it's not looking real promising. And we are planning on blessing the baby in Arizona the Sunday right after Thanksgiving and you're all invited if you want to and are able to come, but we also know it's a long way to come so don't feel pressured. But if we don't see you for either of those occasions, we should see you at Christmas!
We love you all and miss you!